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Oh sweet North Carolina, how beautiful you were. God thank You for revealing more of your beauty to me through Black Mountain, North Carolina.

These last two weeks the girls from my squad and the girls from J Squad had the opportunity to partner with Excel College and serve in the community of Black Mountain, North Carolina. The guys from all three gap year squads and the girls from L Squad went to Kentucky to partner with Samaritan’s Purse to help with flood relief.

In North Carolina, we were once again in our tents. This time, however, we were on their soccer field. We also were given indoor showers and bathrooms, which we were all very thankful for. Ministry was also very different from any missions trips I’ve done in the past. Everyday was somewhere new, sometimes we even went to two places in a day. 

This time in North Carolina was especially challenging for me, not because of strenuous work, but because I had a really hard time hearing the Lord speak or feeling His presence. We did not have sessions or worship except for Tuesdays and Thursdays. Breakfast was at 6:30, and we had to leave the building at 7:30 and could not go back in until after 4:00, so the only inside place we had was our tents, but it was very cold in the mornings. This made it really hard for me to motivate myself to spend time in the Word. Even during worship I was having a hard time. During ministry, I did the work, but I was struggling with hearing the Lord and feeling like I was doing pointless work, which was really weird for me because I usually feel God the most in times like these. It got to the point where I took a fast from talking on our last full day, but you have no need to worry, I know that God was still working.

Every time, I got really discouraged with the work I was doing, afterwards I would spend time with my team or other squad mates, and I would be filled with joy from the Lord. I loved being with everyone and living life with them. It was in these times that I felt God the most. 

North Carolina was very spiritually challenging for me, but it was oh so good. The beauty of Black Mountain itself was evident of God’s beauty. I believe that God was using this time to teach me about community rather than service. I already know how to serve. I have done it quite a bit, but I did not know how to live in a true community. God really knew what I needed.

It has been a really special time on the World Race, and every day I become more in awe of who God is. I hope you all get to see God move as much as I have.


Ali Goolsby